Tuesday 14 August 2007

The Closet (Part 1)

Yesterday was C-day, Closet day. Since we moved to the new house back in March, we have had my old closet sitting in the garage. My mom would like to have this closet, she had it before I got it, and I said she could have it, we wouldn't need it anymore. B. thought we ought to throw it out, so as to avoid the hassle of having to take it to my mom's place and set it up, and she has thus moaned and complained every time the subject pops up.
The last few days my sister has prodded me to find a date where we can finally move the damn closet to my mom's house, as it seems my mom complains to my sister about never getting it. This has literally given me a headache, as I knew bringing up the subject of finding a date with B. would mean trouble at home.

But yesterday I brought it up, quite calmly. We were sitting on the bed, she was watching Brazilian TV on her laptop, I was checking my e-mails and such.

Me: My love, I have to find a day to get the closet set up at my mom's place - do you have any preferences?
B.: Oh, god, that damn closet again...
Me: Don't start again, we already talked about this, I just need to find a date.
B.: Oh, pick any day you want, I don't care...
B.: But don't you dare do it on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday - those are exclusively mine.

She doesn't look at me. I sit quiet, annoyed for a while. I had wanted to do it on Friday, as I get off work early, and the forecast says it will rain. After a few minutes silence she turns to me.

B.: Why do you even bother with her, she doesn't care about you. What does you get in return?
Me: In return? She's my mom!
B.: But why should you do it, she doesn't deserve your help...
Me: You want me to tell her and my sister than I can't help them, because you don't think she deserves my help?
B.: She never did anything for you, she abandoned you as a child, left you at a boarding school,...
Me: Stop it! That's rubbish, don't start it...

I've heard it before, it's complete rubbish really, but I get angry just the same. I get off the bed, leave the room, pick up the first thing I can grab (my wallet) and throw it against the wall in rage, credit cards and coins flying all over the place, then run out in the garden and sit in a corner trying to control my anger. She comes out after me, hugs me and says she's sorry, she shouldn't take like that to me, I don't deserve her treating me like that, she didn't mean it, please come back in.  I go in with her, she picks up my wallet and the stuff that flew out of it, I lie down on the bed, she brings me chocolate to calm me down. We talk a little. She talks with her mom on Skype, I try to call my mom to set up a date.

Later we go over to my sisters place to pick up some stuff for the baby. Afterwards the rest of the evening is quiet, she starts installing Windows on a new laptop, I browse around and help her when needed.

On Wednesday we (or I) will go to my mom's place, and set up the closet, and hopefully it won't be an issue again. I hate those episodes, though...

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